
Relevant/Sort after skills to be acquired before emigrating.

Before emigrating to the West or other parts of the world, Nigerians can arm themselves with a variety of skills that are in demand in those countries. Here are some examples:

1. Language Proficiency: English proficiency is crucial, but proficiency in other languages like French, Spanish, or German can also be beneficial depending on the destination.

2. Technical Skills: Training in fields such as Information Technology, Engineering, Healthcare (especially nursing), and Finance can open up opportunities in the job market.

3. Soft Skills: Communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability are highly valued in Western workplaces.

4. Digital Literacy: Familiarity with computer software, coding, and digital tools is increasingly important in many industries.

5. Certifications and Qualifications: Obtaining relevant certifications or degrees recognized in the West can enhance job prospects.

6. Cultural Competency: Understanding Western culture, norms, and societal expectations can help in integration and networking and help reduce culture shock.

7. Entrepreneurial Skills: Developing skills in entrepreneurship, business management, and marketing can be valuable for starting businesses or navigating the job market.

8. Trade Skills: Proficiency in trades such as plumbing, carpentry, or electrician work , painting, mason, tailoring, hair dressing / barbing, driving skills, light equipment handling, auto repairs etc can offer opportunities for employment or entrepreneurship.

9. Educational Qualifications: Pursuing higher education or specialized training in fields of interest can increase competitiveness in the job market.

10. Legal and Administrative Knowledge: Understanding immigration laws, labor regulations, and administrative procedures in the destination country is essential for a smooth transition.

By acquiring these skills and knowledge, Nigerians can better position themselves for success when emigrating to Western or other countries.

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