
The problems of Nigerians in diaspora

Nigerians constitute a sizable and active community among the worldwide diaspora. Nigerians have traveled far and wide in search of better prospects, work, and education, from thriving metropolises to isolated regions of the globe. But despite their tenacity and willpower, Nigerians living abroad confront numerous difficulties that are sometimes overlooked. The experiences of Nigerians living overseas are significantly shaped by these obstacles, which might range from systemic hurdles to cultural changes.

  1. Cultural Adaptation

The battle for cultural adaptation is one of the biggest issues facing Nigerians living abroad. It can be challenging to adjust to new social norms, languages, and cultures while moving to a new nation. This change might be intimidating for many Nigerians, making them feel alone and alienated. Acculturation is a complicated process that involves everything from learning the subtleties of communication to dealing with homesickness.

  1. Racism and Discrimination

Nigerians living abroad frequently run against structural obstacles that prevent them from succeeding and integrating. For many immigrants, discrimination, prejudice, and xenophobia are everyday realities that exacerbate already-existing disparities and restrict prospects for growth. Despite their skills and abilities, Nigerians often find themselves sidelined and disenfranchised in the areas of housing, work, and education.

  1. Financial Difficulties

For Nigerians living abroad, financial challenges are a big worry, particularly for those who travel abroad searching for steady work. While remittances are essential for supporting relatives back home, those who reside abroad bear a tremendous burden from them. Balancing the demands of personal expenditures with family duties can hinder long-term financial planning and put a strain on financial resources. Restrictions on financial services and investment opportunities worsen the situation and extend periods of economic instability.

  1. Emotional and Mental Break Down

It is impossible to exaggerate the psychological cost of moving. Nigerians living abroad frequently struggle with mental health issues, identity difficulties, and a sense of being abandoned. Emotional health can suffer greatly from the strain of family expectations and the need to perform in new situations. Furthermore, these problems are made worse by a dearth of sufficient support systems and culturally sensitive mental health services, which leaves many Nigerians feeling lost and alone in an uncertain world.



The situation of Nigerians living abroad is complex and needs immediate attention. Nigerians living overseas suffer a variety of intricate and linked difficulties, from systemic injustices to cultural adjustment. We can make the world more fairer and inclusive for everyone if we acknowledge these facts and work together to find solutions.


We intend to post article(s) on ways to ameliorate this.

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